Have more questions?

  1. What are Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning?
    Deep Learning and NLP are parts of the larger field of Artificial Intelligence. NLP defines how machines understand human language, while Deep Learning and vector-mapping techniques make NLP more accurate.
  2. What do you mean by a data-centric approach?
    Our data-centric approach reflects our deep understanding of the data (such as the language and vocabulary used in the pet category) rather than relying on the volume of data for model accuracy.
  3. Are the technologies you use unique?
    We leverage technologies developed by renowned experts and the NLP community. While these are available to everyone, deploying them requires highly skilled data scientists and subject matter experts to create a valuable service.
  1. What data do you use to develop personas?
    We use consumer-generated data that is anonymized and aggregated by categories/segments. This is sufficient to reveal the typical characteristics of a persona we can visualize and interact with. As well as being more practical, it is also more compliant than using demographics and personalized information.
  2. How did you establish pet social data?
    We put ourselves in the shoes of the pet parents, listing all their potential questions before searching and mapping their customer journey to identify the most common data sources. This sounds simple, but it is a very labor-intensive exercise, yet yields better results than SEO and advanced Boolean search.
  3. Which categories do you provide services for?
    We only analyze textual data for the pet category. Engineering language is already complex, you have to pay attention to the specific vocabulary, nuances, and relationships to be proficient, so it's unrealistic to focus on multiple categories and deliver the deepest insights.
  1. How are you different from social listening platforms?
    We work with pet social data representing pet parents' interests and browsing habits. Listening platforms focus narrowly on social media, which is easier to access, but harder to glean qualitative insights from.
  2. Are your services similar to an Attitudes & Usage (A&U) study?
    We tap into genuine conversations with pet parents. Traditional A&U studies simply can’t compare to the unbiased, scale and timeliness of online data and relevancy for the digital environment.
  3. How do you make omni-channel recommendations?
    Our deep knowledge of retail environments, shopper behavior, and profession in the pet category allows us to blend strategy and recommend actions across digital and physical touch points.
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