Our Approach

We start with the business questions around your consumer needs and wants. Then, we identify relevant data and use the appropriate technology to answer those questions - not the other way around.

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Our Approach

We start with the business questions around your consumer needs and wants. Then, we identify relevant data and use the appropriate technology to answer those questions - not the other way around.

About us

Pet industry experts are at the heart of the process

Subject matter experts play a pivotal role in data utilization, modeling, and extraction. Our experts complement data scientists' skills and technology's power to transform analysis into winning actions.

Ven Diagram
Dots Pattren

From data to actionable insights

Did you know the Rubik's cube has about 43 quintillion permutations? Human language is just as complex, and the “pet language” has unique vocabulary, relationships, and nuances.

PetThinQ’s proprietary approach tells you what pet parents think, say, feel, and do.

Did you know the Rubik's cube has about 43 quintillion permutations? Human language is just as complex, and the “pet language” has unique vocabulary, relationships, and nuances.

PetThinQ’s proprietary approach tells you what pet parents think, say, feel, and do.

Going beyond general dictionaries


capturing the right
pet language

We incorporate unique pet vocabulary and use pre-processing steps that maintain meaning and context. We have processed +70m words, making +100k corrections, including +9k unique words not found in general libraries used by other text analytics companies. You can see the implications of incorrect brand names in brand mentions/tracking in the example on the right.

We incorporate unique pet vocabulary and use pre-processing steps that maintain meaning and context. We have processed +70m words, making +100k corrections, including +9k unique words not found in general libraries used by other text analytics companies. You can see the implications of incorrect brand names in brand mentions/tracking in the example below.

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Spell Checker:
Input Words
General Library
Pet Dictionary
Royal Canin
Royal Cabin
Royal Canin
Spell Checker:
Input Words
General Library
Pet Dictionary
Royal Canin
Royal Cabin
Royal Canin

Going beyond sentiment analysis


capturing the right

We classify sentences of similar meaning into "themes" based on a combination of semantic relationships and funneling the business questions we want to answer. In the example on the right, you can see how pet parents frame their problems and the behaviors they demonstrate. This is more insightful than contextual sentiment analysis, where hidden thoughts can be missed.

We classify sentences of similar meaning into "themes" based on a combination of semantic relationships and funneling the business questions we want to answer. In the example below, you can see how pet parents frame their problems and the behaviors they demonstrate. This is more insightful than contextual sentiment analysis, where hidden thoughts can be missed.

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Classify Themes:
I took him to the vet where the exam showed he had a blockage
My cat had struvites and was required to have surgery.
I mix it in with his normal holistic diet.
I mix it with their regular food to make it last longer.
I alternate between chicken and salmon.
I switch back and forth from the turkey and salmon.

Going beyond quantitative analysis


capturing ideas in
right context

Analyzing sentences further in the context of these “themes” provides depth and clarity. In the example on the right, you only see the subtle differences in behavior due to human interpretation. This gets missed in a purely quantitative or technical approach. We combine quantitative analysis with category knowledge to uncover qualitative insights.

Analyzing sentences further in the context of these “themes” provides depth and clarity. In the example below, you only see the subtle differences in behavior due to human interpretation. This gets missed in a purely quantitative or technical approach. We combine quantitative analysis with category knowledge to uncover qualitative insights.

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Extracting Aspects:
I alternate between chicken and salmon.
I switch back and forth from the turkey and salmon.
I mix it in with his normal holistic diet.
I mix it with their regular food to make it last longer.

Going beyond dashboards


Summarizing and
asking so what?

We combine our category knowledge and service design to present insights to you. The process is similar to designing the user navigation for an app where you empathize with the persona and resolve their pain points to make their experience seamless. We apply the same concepts when presenting actions that remove friction from your customers' buying journey.

We combine our category knowledge and service design to present insights to you. The process is similar to designing the user navigation for an app where you empathize with the persona and resolve their pain points to make their experience seamless. We apply the same concepts when presenting actions that remove friction from your customers' buying journey.

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Insights Report

"Data is food for AI"

- Andrew Ng

Our dedicated focus on the pet category gives us a natural data-centric approach, Andrew Ng's food analogy is helpful in summarising this, for example:

Understanding the questions you want to
answer -
Understand your pet's situation and needs  - business questions you want answer.

Identifying right data -Identify the right ingredients - the right type, quantity and quality of data.

Building models and Inference -Getting the nutrition from those ingredient - model predictions and inferences.

Deeper insights -Delivering the calories/energy your pet needs - actionable insights.

  • Understanding a pet's needs is like > establishing the business questions you want answered.
  • It's about identifying the right ingredients, which is like > the data: the right type, quantity and quality.
  • This delivers the nutrition that the pet needs > that can be compared to the accuracy, predictions and inferences we get from AI models.
  • Ultimately providing the calories/energy the pet needs > similar to the actionable insights your business needs in order to grow.
Checkout Our Blog
Dots PattrenFeeding DogDots Pattren

"Data is food for AI"

- Andrew Ng (author)

Andrew Ng's food analogy is helpful in summarising our pet category (data centric) approach:

  • Understanding a pet's needs
is like asking the right business questions
  • The ingredients
is about the right type, quality and quantity of data
  • Delivering the nutrition
is similar to the accuracy, predictions from AI models
  • Providing the calories/energy pets need
are the insights you need to grow your business
Understanding a pet's needs is like asking the right business questions
The ingredients is about the right type, quality and quantity of data
Delivering the nutrition is similar to the accuracy, predictions from AI models
Providing the calories/energy pets need, the insights you need to grow your business

"Data is food for AI"

- Andrew Ng (author)

Andrew Ng's food analogy helps us summarize our data-centric approach:

  • Understanding a pets' needs
asking the right business questions
  • The ingredients
the right type of data, quality and quantity
  • Delivering the nutrition
the accuracy and predictions from AI models
  • Providing the calories/energy pets need
the insights you need to grow your business

"Data is food for AI"

- Andrew Ng (author)

Andrew Ng's food analogy is helpful in summarising our pet category (data centric) approach:

  • Understanding a pet's needs
is like asking the right business questions
  • The ingredients
is about the right type, quality and quantity of data
  • Delivering the nutrition
is similar to the accuracy, predictions from AI models
  • Providing the calories/energy pets need,
the insights you need to grow your business
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