One of the current opportunities and challenges in the pet category is the dramatic shift of business to online.
In this context, identifying relevant insights becomes a key enabler to accelerating online strategies and safeguarding market share.
The definition of the word “context” can be summarized as ‘all the stuff around something’. So, for this article, the surroundings of a word or phrase in how pet parents' express themselves (Language), and for your business, improving how you connect with customers to grow your online sales/market share (Insights).
Hundreds of thousands of conversations occur every day, so we need to use technology to help us with this enormous task.
The components of language that data scientists focus on are:
As you read, focus on the highlighted text, disregard the rest and then read again in full. See how meaning and context can get lost – the highlighted sections are not all we want to understand from what customers talked about, and we end up missing critical parts of the information.
Let’s see how the above sample sentences look when grouped by similar meanings.
In this group, the pet owners revealed that they were initially skeptical about the cat food, but their cats liked it. Although the sentences vary in length, they still capture the same meaning and context:
In this group of sentences, the pet owners highlight the taste or flavor as the reason for their preference (and don’t mention feeling skeptical about the product).
At PetThinQ, leveraging the latest development in NLP, we’ve built classification models using carefully labeled pet category data. The results of the classification models are put through a further clustering process, which uses ‘sentence embedding’ to group data in a similar context.
Language is complex, so it’s difficult to expect marketers to be versed in the complicated world of NLP and linguistics – especially when many of us struggle to use correct grammar in our everyday lives.
In the mad scramble for insights, brands and marketers need to ensure that what customers say is not taken out of context. And meaning has not been lost in the analysis.
The prize is enormous and can be costly if you get it wrong. After all, everyone agrees that relevance is vital online.
If you’d like to learn more about how we go further, please read our article, “Slice and dice, the first step in preparing a recipe."
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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.