
The science behind social media reach

Want to reach millions of people in the pet community on social media?

Over a 5-month period, we conducted a social network analysis of Twitter data using relevant terms associated with cats, dogs, health, and nutrition.

We discovered 20 of the most influential people to help you reach 15+ million people in the pet community. This is a faster and more efficient way to reach your audience.

In our research, we identified three of the biggest, well-funded pet food brands with a combined following of a little more than 100k on Twitter. They are not being recognized for the great work that we can see evidence of in their posts and reviews.

Your social media audiences are smaller than the audiences of influencers.

Social media networks aren’t just about your posts, followers, mentions, or retweets/shares. The most important aspect is ‘centrality’: it’s about being a bridge between people who see you as means to share and access information.

The graph below shows a network of thousands of people in the ‘cat community’ (people interested in all things ‘cat’). They’re connected to other people in the community (the colored dots) through the grey lines on the graph. Each color represents a network in the community, with the ‘central node’ (the center of each block of color) representing the most influential people.

It’s easier and faster for brands to connect with these influential members to reach the broader community – instead of trying to reach people individually.
Identified influencers in the cat community

Social media is about relationships

Many social listening platforms spew out the ‘buzz’ and ‘impressions’ around social media posts but struggle to identify ‘centrality‘ and the influencers to build relationships.

By connecting with the right people with what they care about, you can efficiently and authentically build relationships and access the broader community.

We use several metrics to measure these networks:

  • The ‘in-degree’ can be interpreted as popularity.
  • The ‘out-degree’ shows someone who tends to associate with people of their kind.
  • And ‘betweenness centrality’ measures the number of times a node acts as a bridge along the shortest path between two other nodes.

Influencers with relevant metrics

In the table above, you can see that ‘Influencer #2’ (shown as ‘G2’ in the network diagram) scores highly on all three metrics yet only has a few thousand followers. In comparison, ‘Influencer #4’ (‘G4’) has millions of followers but doesn’t score as well across the metrics and is less influential in the community.

Here is another simpler example to illustrate “centrality” – the London Underground:

Centrality in London underground map
Centrality in London underground map

Here, you can see that Notting Hill is more ‘central’ than Richmond because it has more interlinking lines, with more access to different stations, so you can get to where you want to go faster with less distance to travel. In contrast Richmond is at the end of the line, with limited accessibility, so it would take much longer to get to the same destination.

So, why do big brands struggle?

They gravitate more towards advertising, and while it will play a role in your overall strategy, the greater value comes from participating in the community as an equal member.

By listening and distributing helpful content, taking the time to be seen as a valued member will benefit the community and therefore help your brand. And it’s a lot cheaper than advertising.

Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about the 20 most influential people on Twitter for the pet care category.


Social networks analysis = Identify influencers + build relationships = reach more people.

Thanks for reading through to the end.🐱

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